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  2. Blackshield Id Software Tools Download
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  2. Updates and information for CRYPTOCard BlackShield ID Software Tools, as made by CRYPTOCard.

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Download 'BlackShield ID MP Token Guide'
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1 BlackShield ID MP Token Guide Copyright 2010 CRYPTOCard Inc.

2 Trademarks CRYPTOCard and the CRYPTOCard logo are registered trademarks of CRYPTOCard Corp. in the Canada and/or other countries. All other goods and/or services mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies. License agreement This software and the associated documentation are proprietary and confidential to CRYPTOCard, are furnished under license, and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the copyright notice below. This software and the documentation, and any copies thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to or ownership of the software or documentation or any intellectual property rights thereto is hereby transferred. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this software and the documentation may be subject to civil and/or criminal liability. This software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by CRYPTOCard. Third-party licenses This product may include software developed by parties other than CRYPTOCard. The text of the license agreements applicable to third-party software in this product may be viewed in the CRYPTOCardBlackShield IDOpen Source Licenses folder of a default BlackShield ID installation. Note on encryption technologies This product may contain encryption technology. Many countries prohibit or restrict the use, import, or export of encryption technologies, and current use, import, and export regulations should be followed when using, importing or exporting this product. Contact Information CRYPTOCard s technical support specialists can provide assistance when planning and implementing CRYPTOCard in your network. In addition to aiding in the selection of the appropriate authentication products, CRYPTOCard can suggest deployment procedures that provide a smooth, simple transition from existing access control systems and a satisfying experience for network users. We can also help you leverage your existing network equipment and systems to maximize your return on investment. CRYPTOCard works closely with channel partners to offer worldwide Technical Support services. If you purchased this product through a CRYPTOCard channel partner, please contact your partner directly for support needs. To contact CRYPTOCard directly: International Voice: North America Toll Free: BlackShield ID MP Token Guide i

3 For information about obtaining a support contract, see our Support Web page at Go to the CRYPTOCard corporate web site for regional Customer Support telephone and fax numbers: Publication History Date January 10, 2010 September 23, 2010 Changes Initial release Minor updated BlackShield ID MP Token Guide ii

4 Table of Contents Overview..1 Operating Modes & Options..2 Using the MP Token on Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/7..5 Installing the BlackShield ID Software Tools..5 Loading an MP token file..5 Generating a Token Code (QuickLogTM mode)..6 Generating a Token Code (Challenge-response mode)..7 User-changeable PIN..7 Token Code Resynchronization..8 Unlock Token (Remote Unlock)..9 Using the MP Token on a BlackBerry Mobile Device..10 Using the MP Token on a Java Phone..10 Using the MP Token on an iphone..10 BlackShield ID MP Token Guide iii

5 Overview The MP token is a software implementation of the hardware token that can be installed on a range of devices including hard drives, mobile devices such as BlackBerry, Java phones, iphone and secure flash drives such as IronKey or SafeStick, turning a device already in the hands of a user into a token. The advantage of software tokens is mass deployment without hardware distribution. By thoughtful selection of the type of device upon which a software token can be installed, Security Administrators can lock a user to a specific machine, limit the user to using only secure platforms or provide complete machine independence. With BlackShield ID, MP tokens can be issued, revoked and reissued without restriction or the need to recover the token from the user. With the exception of BlackBerry and Java phones, multiple MP software tokens can be installed on a single device (e.g. hard drive) provided the usernames are unique. Window XP/2003/2008/Vista/7 BlackBerry Java Phones IronKey SafeStick iphone The MP token generates a new, pseudo-random token code each time the token is activated. An MP PIN consists of a string of 3 to 8 alphanumeric characters that is used to guard against unauthorized use. If PIN protection is enabled, the user must provide a PIN with the one-time token code to authenticate. Multiple tokens, each protected by their own unique PIN, may reside on a single BlackShield Software Tools installation. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 1

6 Operating Modes & Options The MP token supports a wide range of operating modes that can be modified from the Token Templates section within the Policy Admin Tab of the BlackShield ID Manager. The MP Token template settings will be used upon creation of MP tokens; they are not applied when issued. Mode: Tokens can operate in either Challenge-Response or Quick Log mode. Default value: Quick Log. Quick Log mode is recommended because it greatly simplifies the User logon experience and strengthens security by eliminating the requirement to have the user key a challenge into a token to get an OTP. In addition, Quick Log mode is supported by all systems that require a logon password. Complexity: The OTPs generated by the token can be comprised of numbers, letters and additional characters as follows: Decimal: token generates passcodes comprised of digits from 0-9. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 2

7 Hexadecimal: token generates passcodes comprised of digits and letters from 0 9 and A-F. Base32: token generates passcodes comprised of digits and letters from 0-9 and A-Z. (Default value). Base64: token generates passcodes comprised of digits and letters from 0-9 and Aa-Zz, as well as other printable characters available via Shift Length: This option determines the number of characters displayed as the OTP. Options are 5, 6, 7 or 8 characters. Default value: 8. Display Mask: If set to Telephone Mode, the 4th character of the OPT will always be a dash ( - ). Typically this is used with a decimal OTP, length of 8. Example OTP: If set to None, the 4th character is unmodified. Example OTP: Telephone mode can be used with any token complexity and length setting. Default value: Telephone Mode. Note: the dash is not entered as part of the OTP on login attempts, therefore it is not required for authentication. Remote Unlock: Allows a locked MP token to be unlocked using the unlock code provided for the token within the Secured Users tab. This avoids the need to redeploy the MP token to the user. PIN Type: This setting determines the type of PIN to be used with the token. No PIN means the user doesn t need to enter a PIN into the Token application to generate a TokenCode. Fixed PIN means that the PIN generated for the token during initialization is permanent and cannot be changed without reissuing the token. This PIN must always be keyed into the token before a password is generated User selected PIN means that the user must change the PIN generated for the token during initialization before a password will be generated. Thereafter the user can change the PIN at any time. Note that the PIN change must conform to the minimum requirements for PIN Length, Complexity and Maximum PIN Attempts. Server-side Fixed means that the PIN generated for the token at initialization is permanent and cannot be changed without reinitializing the token. An initial PIN number is used to install the token into the BlackShield Software tools but token codes are generated without the need of a PIN. This PIN type is evaluated at BlackShield ID during authentication. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 3

8 Server-side User Select means that the PIN generated for the token can be changed by the User. An initial PIN number is used to install the token into the BlackShield Software tools but token codes are generated without the need of a PIN. The new PIN must conform to the minimum requirements set in the Serverside PIN Policy Group on the Policy Admin Tab. Server-side Server Select means that the PIN generated for the token can be changed however the new PIN will be generated by BlackShield ID and will conform to the minimum requirements set in the Serverside PIN Policy Group on the Policy Admin Tab. Note: Server-side PINs require the user to prepend the PIN to the token generated password during login, allowing the PIN to be evaluated by BlackShield. For example, if the user PIN is ABCD and the password is , the user would enter ABCD at the password prompt. All other PIN types require the user to key the correct PIN into the token before a password is generated. In this case the user provides only the password at the password prompt. For example, if the user PIN is 8432 and the password is , the user will enter at the password prompt. Generally Server-side PINs are used with KT tokens Initial PIN: Determines the nature of the initial PIN created for a token during initialization. If Random, BlackShield ID will generate a random PIN that conforms to the minimum PIN Policy options set in the dropdowns for this group for each token during initialization. If Fixed, all tokens will be initialized with the same PIN. Default value: Random Min. PIN Length: Determines the minimum PIN length that can be used with the token. This option is disabled if PIN Type is set to No PIN. The user will not be required to use a PIN at any time. This option is disabled if PIN Type is set to Server-side Fixed, Server-side User Select or Server-side Server Select. The user will be required to use a PIN according to the options set in the Server-side PIN Policy Group. This option is enabled if PIN Type is set to Fixed PIN or User selected PIN. This requires that any PIN set for the token meet the indicated minimum number of digits. The range is 1 to 8 digits. Allow Trivial PINs: If enabled, a PIN may be 3 or more consecutive numbers (i.e. 1234) or 3 or more identical digits (i.e. 2222). Default value: selected. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 4

9 Max. PIN Attempts: Determines the maximum number of consecutive failed PIN attempts permitted by the token. If this number is exceeded, the token will enter the Locked state and cannot be used for authentication until it is reinitialized or unlocked via the unlock code provided in the BlackShield. This option is available only if PIN Type is set to Fixed PIN or User selected PIN. Click the Apply button to apply changes to the template. Changes to the template will be applied to MP tokens during creation. Previously initialized MP tokens will be unaffected by changes to a template. Using the MP Token on Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/7 Installing the BlackShield ID Software Tools Locate and run the agent installer: BlackShield ID Software Tools.exe for 32-bit systems. BlackShield ID Software Tools x64.exe for 64-bit systems. The following will be requested: Prompt to accept the license agreement. Selection of the installation location. Prompt to accept device driver installation. Loading an MP token file MP tokens can be activated in the BlackShield Token Authenticator via Self-Enrollment or by loading an MP token file. For information on Self-Enrollment or manually issuing MP tokens, refer to the BlackShield Server Administrator's Manual found in the support section of or within your BlackShield distribution package. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 5

10 Generating a Token Code (QuickLogTM mode) The MP automates authentication when used in conjunction with CRYPTOCard agents or compatible third-party plug-ins in a Windows environment. The user simply enters his PIN and clicks OK when prompted and the MP completes the authentication. If the token template was configured to use a Fixed or User Select PIN, access to the BlackShield Software Tools application requires the user to enter a 3 to 8 character PIN. The PIN is generally unique for each token and known only to the owner of the token. If the token template was configured to use a Server Side PIN, the BlackShield Software Tools application will generate the token code without a need to provide a PIN. Server-side PINs require the user to prepend the PIN to the token generated password during login, allowing the PIN to be evaluated by BlackShield In instances where a user is attempting to connect to a network device or web resource for which a CRYPTOCard agent or third-party plug-in does not exist, there is no automated means by which the BlackShield Software Tools application can furnish the one-time password to the entity/asset for authentication. Therefore, MP tokens enable the user to generate a one-time Token Code that can then be entered manually when the user is prompted for a password by the application/entity interface. 1. Launch the Token Authenticator from Start All Programs CRYPTOCard Token. 2. Select the token from the Token field (if more than one software token is installed) and click Generate Token Code. 3. Enter the PIN (if required). BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 6

11 4. Cut and paste, or transcribe, the one-time Token Code into the logon/password dialog of the application/entity interface you are authenticating against. Generating a Token Code (Challenge-response mode) QuickLog TM is the recommended mode for all CRYPTOCard tokens. Challenge-response mode should only be used if required. 1. Launch the Token Authenticator from Start All Programs CRYPTOCard Token. 2. When you attempt to log in to the application or entity interface, you will receive an 8-digit challenge. 3. Click Generate Token Code on the Token Authenticator dialog window. 4. Enter the PIN and 8-digit challenge. A Token Code will be displayed. 5. Cut and paste, or transcribe, the response into the application or entity interface logon dialog. User-changeable PIN If the MP token is configured with a PIN Style of User-changeable PIN, the user will be forced to change the initial deployment PIN on first use. Thereafter, the user can change the PIN at any time, within the established security policy parameters. 1. Launch the Token Authenticator from Start All Programs CRYPTOCard Token. 2. Select Tools Change PIN from the toolbar. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 7

12 3. Enter the Current PIN, New PIN, and Verify new PIN. Click OK. Token Code Resynchronization Token resynchronization may be required if the user has generated a large number of token codes without logging on (authenticating). Token resynchronization requires the user to enter a challenge into the token. The challenge must be provided by the Help Desk or via a Web-based resynchronization page. In the unlikely event that the token requires resynchronization with the authentication server: 1. Launch the Token Authenticator from Start All Programs CRYPTOCard Token. 2. Select Tools Resync from the toolbar. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 8

13 3. Enter your PIN and the resynchronization Challenge. 4. Cut and paste, or transcribe, the one-time Token Code into the logon/password dialog of the application/entity interface you are authenticating against. Unlock Token (Remote Unlock) If the Max PIN Attempts threshold is exceeded, an MP token will enter a Locked state and cannot be used for authentication. The Unlock Token option allows for a token to be enabled without having to redeploy the token file to the user. 1. Launch the Token Authenticator from Start All Programs CRYPTOCard Token. 2. Select Tools Unlock Token from the toolbar. 3. Provide the Unlock Challenge to the CRYPTOCard Administrator then enter the Server Response provided to you. 4. Enter the New PIN, and Verify new PIN. Click OK. 5. A Token Unlocked message will appear. The MP token may now be used to generated Token Codes. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 9

14 Using the MP Token on a BlackBerry Mobile Device The BlackBerry is a wireless handheld device, which supports , mobile telephone, text messaging, web browsing and other wireless information services. There are various methods to deploying a CRYPTOCard MP token to BlackBerry devices. Please refer to the BlackBerry Token Guide found in the support section of for more information. Using the MP Token on a Java Phone Security Administrators can transform Java ME mobile phones into tokens that will generate PIN protected onetime passwords valid for strong authentication at VPNs, Web applications, Citrix and any other BlackShield ID protected on-line resources. Please refer to the Java Phone Token Guide found in the support section of for more information. Using the MP Token on an iphone MP tokens can be used on the iphone or ipad. Please refer to the iphone Token Guide found in the support section of for more information. BlackShield ID MP Token Guide 10

BlackShield ID MP Token Guide. for Java Enabled Phones

BlackShield ID MP Token Guide for Java Enabled Phones Copyright 2010 CRYPTOCard Inc. http:// www.cryptocard.com Trademarks CRYPTOCard and the CRYPTOCard logo are registered trademarks of CRYPTOCard Corp.

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