We have compiled some tips to help you write the perfect reference as well as a series of direct quotes from our Admissions Tutors.
  1. Employer Template To Excuse Employee From Jury Duty
  2. Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse Me
  3. Work School Excuse Letter Template
  4. Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse Letter
  5. Employer Reference Template

Quick Tips

  • Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse.who dreamt of becoming a.Sample Formal Excuse Letters.to complete his post graduation from your.
  • What to do for my UCAS reference as a mature student?
  • My employer has agreed to write a reference for my application, ucas says these details are needed: their academic performance in their post-16 education their potential for academic success in higher education.
  • Best Answer: I was in a similar position a few years ago and I wrote my own reference and gave it to my employer. I asked them to amend it if they wanted. I asked them to amend it if they wanted. If I hadn't done that I fear it would never have got done!
  • Provide contextual information about the school
  • Use generic stock phrases as it makes the reference seem impersonal
  • Comment if predicted grades or recently confirmed grades are not a true reflection of the student's potential
  • Refer to re-sits unless to explain mitigating circumstances or to highlight a positive outcome
  • Chat to the student so that you know which courses they are applying to, what extracurricular activities they have participated in and what their personal statement contains
  • Mention a specific university
  • Check university websites and UCAS Entry Profiles to see if there are any specific requirements
  • Raise weaknesses unless they are well documented. Students can request to see your reference and lodge a formal complaint if they deem it unfair
  • Ask each subject tutor to write a few sentences regarding the student and then have one person amalgamate it into one seamless statement
  • Write it like a report (e.g. 'Could do better..' 'Is unduly influenced by friends..')
  • Mention mitigating circumstances (also make sure the exam board are aware)
  • Be verbose. Remember you are limited to 4,000 characters or 47 lines.
  • Clearly indicate if you DO recommend the student for the course as any ambiguity may suggest that you do not.
  • Be negative.

Suggested Structure

Template to use to write a reference letter for employment or academics, with tips for what to include and how to write a reference letter. My employer has agreed to write a reference for my application, ucas says these details are needed: their academic performance in their post-16 educatio. Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse.who dreamt of becoming a.Sample Formal Excuse Letters.to complete his post graduation from your.

  • Contextual information about the profile of the school
  • Academic performance post 16
  • Special or mitigating circumstances
  • Personality and extra-curricular activities
  • Suitability for the course

Predicted Grades

Be honest with your students! Students need to be realistic when looking at course requirements. Many universities make conditional offers to students based, in part, on their predicted grades and so it is important that these grades are achievable by the student. Students who have over-estimated grades often miss their conditional offer requirements and then have the stress of entering Clearing. Students who exceed their offers can go into Adjustmentbut many top universities have limited places available.

For more detailed information about references please read the UCAS guidelines.

What our admissions tutors think

Here is a selection of suggestions direct from our admissions tutors:

“It may seem like an obvious point to make, but many references are plain and generic and could have been written about anyone. I have also seen the occasional one where the teacher has forgotten to change the name of the student from the last time they used the reference.” Dr Daniel Attenborough (Law)
“Include something on how well this student might be suited to studying in HE (not just in academic terms but in terms of independence, organisation, etc.). Try to avoid repetition/overlap with personal statement – the reference should ‘add value’ to the application.” Dr Patrick White (Sociology)
“Do check the information on the school that goes above the reference is correct (e.g. the number going on to higher education etc). Frequently this information is muddled (e.g. the school has 100 people in the sixth form and sends 230 to higher education each year). Don’t use a reference template for students and forget to change their gender to the correct one ‘Samantha has performed very well in English. He always….’” Dr Kate Loveman (English)
“Detailed prediction for each subject is good. ‘If they work hard could achieve a B’ ‘should easily achieve a B’ – this gives a stronger feel for the likely grades. References that talk about the course not the student are not so useful.” Dawn Wedd (Economics)
“The things we really want from teachers are the following:
1. An honest appraisal of the applicant's ability and likely grades.
2. A brief description of the applicant's personality.
3. Some information on the applicant's enthusiasm for the subject and their attitude toward work.
4. Some comments on the applicant's ability to work independently and their ability to work as part of a group.” Dr Merv Roy (Physics)
“The reference has an important role in providing a sense of the student and their academic potential when we have concerns/questions about other parts of the application. The main problem is when predicted grades are missing from UCAS forms - sometimes references present the predicted grades within them, and this can be really helpful” Dr Ranjana Das (Media and Communications)
“I like to see a paragraph from each of the subject teachers about the student’s particular aptitudes in their subject… although I don’t tend to find things of the ilk “Jane got 113/120 UMS in her Unit X exam….” especially illuminating if it doesn’t make clear why this marks this student out as particularly good” Alex Mack (Interdisciplinary Science)

Everyone has to miss work from time to time, sometimes for illness, an appointment, or some other personal reason. Some employers ask employees for a formal letter explaining when and why they missed work. Sometimes employers want employees to write these letters before an absence, and sometimes they are written after.

Employees often also have to write excuse letters for longer leaves of absence or other extended time off. Formal excuse letters are used in other situations too, such as an absence from jury duty or an absence from school.

Read below for tips on writing a formal excuse letter, as well as two sample letters: one sample to send an employer before you miss work and one for after.

Tips for Writing a Formal Excuse Letter

  • Follow business letter format. Use the official business letter format when writing your letter. You want this letter to be professional.
  • Understand your employer’s policies. Before you miss work, make sure you know the policy for letting your boss know that you will be absent. Know whether you need to tell your boss, and how you should get him or her that information (i.e. a phone call, a letter, an email). Also look into how far in advance you need to tell your employer.
  • Send the letter as soon as possible. If possible, send your excuse letter before you miss work. You want to give your employer time to reassign any of your tasks. If you are asking for a longer leave of absence, send this letter as early as possible. If you don’t have time to send a formal letter, consider sending an excuse email instead.
  • Keep it brief. Do not go into great detail about why you are missing work (such as a long list of your symptoms if you are sick or a detailed story about a personal problem). Instead, simply briefly state the day or days you will be absent, and explain (briefly) why.
  • Offer to help. You might consider helping make up for your absence in some way. For example, you might say that you will still be on email during your absence, or you might offer to work an extra hour or two later to complete some missed projects. If you can prepare your absence in advance, ask one or two of your colleagues or employees for help completing any assignments you will be missing. This will be particularly important when you are asking for a longer leave of absence.

Sample Formal Excuse Letter

You can use this sample as a model to write an excuse letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Download the Word Template

Formal Excuse Letter (Before Missing Work) Text Version


Employer's Name
Employer's Title
City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I will be unable to attend work from September 1, 20XX to September 5, 20XX. I will be attending the professional development conference that I spoke with you about earlier this week.

I have arranged to be on email during work hours, and I will call and check in with the office once a day to see what I missed.

Please let me know if I can provide any further information, or if you need anything else from me to make my absence run smoothly. Thank you for allowing me to take this terrific opportunity.

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Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Formal Excuse Letter (After Missing Work) Text Version


Employer's Name
Employer's Title
City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I was unable to attend work on September 1, 20XX due to illness. I have already completed the tasks for this week that I missed during my absence.

Employer Template To Excuse Employee From Jury Duty

Please let me know if I can provide any further information. Thank you for understanding.


Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Sending an Email Message

Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse Me

Sometimes it makes more sense to send an email message explaining your absence. For example, if you want to tell your boss as soon as possible that you will not be at work, emailing or calling is the quickest way to share this information. Some employers even ask that employees alert them to absences via email.

Work School Excuse Letter Template

If you send an email message excuse for your absence, be sure to keep the email short, simply stating the dates you will be absent, and giving a brief explanation for why you will be away.

Ucas Reference Employer Template To Excuse Letter

Also be sure to include a clear subject line. You might simply write “Absence from Work” in the subject line. This clearly explains the purpose of your email to your boss.

Employer Reference Template

If you would prefer to email your excuse, here's how to send a professional email message.

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