Test the RAM and replace as required

This is the sign of either Faulty RAM or RAM with a Timing Issue. Quite often if more RAM has been added to a computer and it is not identical from the same Manufacturing Batch there can be Timing Issues that do not show a problem while the OS is working but prevent the installation of Windows Particularly.
The answer here is to either remove the added RAM till after you have reinstalled Windows or replace the faulty RAM if one has failed.
You can use MemTest to test the RAM from here
But quite often particularly if extra RAM has been added everything will Pass the tests but you still temporally need to remove the Added RAM till after you reinstall Windows. :)

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While doing a clean install of XP w/SP-3, after the files have been copied and the computer has restarted, the installation fails. Dec 23, 2010  I put the winxp cd and ran setup, it formatted the drive and everything, but then when it boots up XP and runs setup to config timezone and **** it interrupts and says the following: Installation Failed: D: I386 asms. The parameter is incorrect.

None of the recommendations made in this expert database such as Title: 'D: I386 asms problem With installing windows xp pro', and various other that I searched worked for me. I diagnosed the original CD and a replacement media CD that was sent by Microsoft. Maybe the computer's cd-rom drive I used to burn the iso for windows is corrupt. I'll try making a new cd on another computer. Anyone have any suggestions? I checked the cd I've been using and it has the i386 asms on it with the following folders: /1 /2 /10 /52 /60 /70 /1000 /5100 /6000 /7000 Edited by robusto, 18 October 2007 - 02:18 PM.

This may help

Are you useing a rewriteable CD, if you are try useing a CDR and burn it at 4X.
If you slipstreamed the CD you may have to do it again and replace the gdiplus.dll file.
If it is an original CD try giving it a clean.
Boot up the System with a bootable Knoppix or PCLinux disk to rule out the CD ROM.

I386 Asms Error

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I386 File Windows Xp

Car stereo systems. I am trying to install Windows XP pro SP3 on my Panasonic CF-U1, using an external USB DVD drive, and it seems to install properly up until the first install screen at the 'installing windows' stage. I seem to keep getting the error 'The file 'asms'on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 CD is needed.' I've tried to type in the direct path to the file (D:i386) but that does not seem to work. I've also tried to open regedit in command prompt, but that doesn't work either. I am very confused, if anyone has any answers I'd love to hear thanks.

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