One of the most confusing features of the ISO 14001 standard is environmental aspects and what. Environmental aspect. A significant impact on the. ISO 14001 Section 4.3.1 Environmental. Monitoring and measuring Corrective and Preventative Action Auditing Definition of Aspect / Impact. D155: DEMO OF HSE DOCUMENT KIT Price 499 USD Complete editable HSE document tool kit (HSE manual, procedures, SOPs, exhibits, ROR, forms, aspect impact & HIRA audit checklist etc. Based on ISO and ISO standard). Identiication and assessment of the environmental aspects. Environmental aspects The ISO 14001. To prepare a common register. Regarding the environmental impacts. ISO 14001-Clause 4.3.1,Environmental aspects,ISO 14001-Clause 4.3 Planning. ISO 9001:2015 INTERNAL AUDIT. Example of Significant Aspect and Impact Register. Insert your company’s name or logo. Environmental Aspect & Impact Register ISO EMS Page 1 of 3. Identification of Aspects Determination of Significance of Impacts Impact Rationale Objectives & Targets.

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  • Brice Robinson
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1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS REGISTER (ISO 14001) 1. Scope The scope of this Environmental Aspects Register covers the following operational areas: Aberdeen Region (A); Cumbernauld Region (C); Warrington Region (W); London Region (L). 2. Purpose The purpose of this Environmental Aspects Register is a follows: a) To make information available to management and all third parties. b) To provide a record and understanding of the current environmental aspects at each location and enable updating as required c) To enable screening of the environmental aspects and decisions to be made on the focus of environmental programmes. 3. Amendment Record. Audit / review carried out on an annual basis, but maybe amended at any time due to changes in legislation, activities, services etc. Review Issue Issue Date Description Authorised by 1 & ; Original document reviewed Audit and review of register in tandem with OP4 issue 3 D Morris-Roblin OP4.1 Environmental Aspects Register DMR

2 4. A guide to Scoring Aspects & Qualitative Ranking Using this Aspects Register, the significance of each environmental aspect is computed as [ 1,2, or 3 of (a)] x [1,2, or 3 of (b)] x [1,2, or 3 of (c]) x [1,2, or 3 of (d) ] = score rating (a) Severity (Perception, hazard, volume and potential legal exposure Minimum client concern, no significant environmental effect, low volumes sporadic use, and/or no breach of legislation likely Some client concern moderate volumes in routine use, noxious, combustible, flammable, and/or potential breach Significant public and client concern, significant volumes in routine use, corrosive, easily flammable, toxic, environmentally damaging and/or actual breach (b) Probability of failure of control or loss of customer/staff confidence (Based on existing controls such as physical controls, competence, procedures, incidents, non-conformities, complaints) 1 Very low probability 2 Possible 3 Likely (c) Pathway/Frequency Waste/substances remain within designated containment or activity rarely carried out Waste/substances remain within facility or building or activity routinely carried out Waste/substances enter drains or the outside environment or activity frequently carried out (d) Resource Depletion (Use of energy, paper, water, gas and other consumables) 1 2 Optimised use of energy and consumables Process controlled but not optimised 3 Process not managed Qualitative of Numeric Ranking 1-4 Aspects poses little or no threat (or opportunity) to the environment or the Organization/Client 6-16 Aspects controlled & poses only a moderate threat (or opportunity) but, an aspect may require further research, where identified, to establish the true extent of any threat (or opportunity ) Aspects are controlled but poses great threat (or opportunity) to the to the environment or the Organization/ Client. Activity to be reviewed for improvements Aspects are controlled weakly and poses great threat (or opportunity) ) to the to the environment or the Organization/ Client. Activity must cease until controls strengthened.

3 A. Facilities Management Asbestos Maintenance Release of asbestos Air pollution with asbestos fibres Use of boilers Providing water Use of energy Greenhouse effect from production of electricity adversely affects environment Use of air conditioning units Vehicles on hard standing outside of offices Use of cleaning chemicals Office temperature control Staff vehicle protection and parking Use of energy Potential for accidental spillage of petrol, oil and diesel Greenhouse effect from production of electricity adversely affects environment Potential to contaminate controlled waters and sewerage from accidental spills into the surface drains Office cleaning Use of hazardous material Potential to case harm to humans or pollute the sewerage system Weed control Grounds maintenance Use of pesticides Production of garden waste Storage of materials (warehouses) Location pest control B. Waste Management Generation of controlled waste Removal of seagull nests General waste produced by all staff members Potential for accidental spillage Acidic droppings on cars and persons s Potential harm to humans, flora and fauna Potential to contaminate controlled waters and sewerage from accidental spills into the surface drains Health and hygiene Damage affects environment from degradation of waste. Human/life threat from uncontrolled disposal to land 2x1x2x1=4 Control of Asbestos Surveys in place for A, C and W. L home work 1x1x2x2 =4 Control of Pollution Act Boilers maintained in A & C 1x1x2x2 = 4 1x1x3x1 = 3 1x1x2x2 =4 1X1X2X1=2 2x1x2x1=4 1x 1x2x1=2 2x1x3x1 = 6 Maintained Aircon only in A and C Water Resources Act The Control of Pollution Act. Vehicles well maintained. Spills Instruction CHIP & COSHH Regulations Materials used are not harmful. Very small quantities used Pesticides not used. A is in partnership with neighbors. W is covered as part of lease, C and L are not applicable Segregated, racked. Spill kits in A, C and W. L is n/a. Spills procedures in place for A, C and W. L is n/a. COSHH assessments in place. Gas Bottles held in external cage and locked, only applicable at A Contracted pest control services Duty of Care Regulations The Controlled Waste Regulations Special Waste Regulations Waste Management Licensing Regulations Controlled Waste (Registration and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations Sent to landfill using a licensed carrier. Records maintained

4 Generation of kitchen waste paper Generation of electrical waste plastics Generation of used smoke detectors Generation of Special/Hazardous Waste packaging and pallets glass C. Impact on communities Noise from machinery use Light from buildings and facilities Waste produced in the kitchens Paper no longer required for used Discarded electrical/electronic Cups and bottles Used as part of the fire detection system Office activities Waste pallets resulting from deliveries. Bottles Office cleaning Use of artificial lighting in building and outside Production of biodegradable waste Detectors contain trace amounts of radioactive substances Accidental spillage of special / hazardous waste. Creation of waste pallets / packaging. affects environment affects environment from degradation of waste. affects environment Non-biodegradable. Toxic fumes from incineration. May cause harm to wildlife of humans if not disposed of in a controlled and approved manner Potential pollution of watercourse. 1x1x1x1 =1 1x1x1x1 =1 1x1x2x1 = 2 1x1x1x1=1 2x1x1x1 = 2 1x1x2x1=2 Duty of Care Regulations & other waste regulations as above. Waste Management Procedure. Recycling in place Duty of Care Regulations & other waste regulations as above Recycling in place Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations Special Waste Regulations Duty of Care Regulations & others as above Radioactive Substances Act. Exemption Order (Smoke Detectors) applicable to substances of low activity. Very small quantities disposed of at a time. Specialist disposal Special Waste Regs No routine generation of special waste. Special waste resulting from an oil spill clean up etc will be dealt with in accordance with regulations Waste pallets / packaging 1x1x1x1=1 Pallets returned. Cardboard recycled Plastic sent off site as controlled waste Depletion of natural resources. Use of energy in production. 1x1x1x1 = 1 Duty of Care Regulations & others as above Noise pollution Nuisance 1x1x1x1 = 1 Statutory Nuisance Environmental Protection Act Noise impact minimal Light pollution Nuisance, use of natural resource 1x1x3x1 = 3 Statutory Nuisance Environmental Protection Act Not left on unnecessarily

5 Use of vehicles Neighboring companies and shared site facilities Visits to clients, meetings etc Delivery to sites Vehicle used for service delivery Indirect Generation of combustion gases, production of noise, dust, odour, pollution and vibration, increased traffic Potential pollution resulting from their activities Greenhouse effect, use of natural resources eg fossil fuels, air pollution with oxides of nitrogen, sulphur and carbon 2x1x2x2 = 8 Control of Pollution Act. Road Traffic Act 1988 Trained, licensed drivers Vehicle maintenance, efficient use of vehicles All company owned vehicles are all fitted with a tracker device. System monitored and appropriate action taken Journeys optimised where practical Pollution and nuisance 1x1x1x1=1 Environmental Protection Act Emergency Plan Visual impact of buildings D. Use of Consumables Office buildings at each location Aesthetics Visual appearance 1x1x1x1=1 Environmental Protection Act Use of paper Office activities Use of a natural resource Reduction in natural resources, affects environment Use of electricity Power and Heat Use of energy Reduction in natural resources. Greenhouse effect from generation Use of Gas Heat s Reduction in natural resources. Greenhouse effect from generation Use of water Kitchen and welfare facilities 1x1x1x1=1 2x1x2x2 =8 Minimal use Paper Policy Recycling undertaken Metered and monitored, and use minimised Gas appliance Rgs 95,& installations & Use Regs98 Ozone & F gas regs. Competent Corgi engineers used for service etc Reduction in natural resource 1x1x1x3 = 3 Usage monitored and minimised where practicable Use of vehicles Use of Fuel Use of fossil fuels Reduction in natural resources 2x1x3x1 = 6 Control of Pollution Act. Road Traffic Act 1988 Trained, licensed drivers Vehicle maintenance, efficient use of vehicles All company owned vehicles are all fitted with a tracker device. System monitored and appropriate action taken Journeys optimised where practical Furniture, electrical and plastic products Use in office activities Reduction in natural resources, greenhouse effect adverse effect on environment 1x1x1x1 =1 Recycle /reuse where possible

6 E. Management of Contractors Use of contractors Use of temporary/agency office staff Use of contractors F. Delivery of Service Purchase of uniforms and personnel protective Use of electrical Use of hand tools Routinely used to provide servicing and preventive maint ce, window cleaning etc Form part of the staff office team Occasional use for one off contracts Regular use of work clothing and PPE Essential regular use of cleaning electrical. Regular use of hand tools Use of eco-toxic and polluting materials s e.g. paper, energy etc Using eco-toxic and polluting materials Use of resources for clothing and PPE Use of energy for electrical Use of energy and natural resources Potential to pollute ground and water courses Reduction in natural resources, greenhouse effect adverse effect on environment Potential to pollute ground and water courses Depletion of natural resources End of life disposal and waste 1x2x2x2 =8 1x1x2x2 =4 1x2x2x2 = 8 1x1x1x2=2 Contractor Procedure. Environmental aspects are considered when placing contracts. Induction training given Work supervised Competent staff working to company processes and procedures Contractor Procedure. Environmental aspects are considered when placing contracts Induction Training & supervision Purchasing procedure QP 03 Use of energy 2x1x2x1=4 Purchasing procedure QP 03. CE marking Depletion of natural resources End of life disposal and waste 1x1x1x2=2 Replacement monitored to ensure efficient use. Use of cleaning material Provision of Security Services Provision of Cleaning services Regular and routine use of cleaning materials Regular site inspections and manning; installation and operation of CCTV Regular site presence for cleaning activities Use of cleaning materials Occupation of site and installation of CCTV for supply of security services Use of and within the clients premises. Potential to pollute the clients premises Use of resources for cleaning Potential to pollute the clients premises Potential to damage client property Use of clients resources Potential to pollute the clients premises Potential to damage client property Use of clients resources 2x1x2x1=4 2x1x1x1=2 2x1x1x2=4 COSHH assessments in place. Purchasing procedure QP 03. Spills procedure Stock monitored for excessive use Trained and competent staff working to Andron procedures, policies and local assignment instructions. Performance is monitored. Any failures to comply are reported and appropriate action taken. Scope of work confined to terms and conditions of contract. Trained and competent staff working to Andron procedures, policies and site packs Performance is monitored. Any failures to comply are reported and appropriate action taken. Scope of work confined to terms and conditions of contract.

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