Now playing:Watch this: How to save $400 by getting Google Earth Pro for free

Google Earth has been around for years, yet it still makes my jaw drop.

As the latest versions of Google Earth and Google Earth Pro appear. Where the option to install Google. Google earth keeps stating “network Error.

I mean, seriously, for centuries the only way to get a 'bird's-eye' view of our planet was to spin an actual globe. Now we can 'fly' to any location and zoom all the way in from space to a couple hundred feet above real, satellite-mapped ground.

  1. At least if you want to download only Google Earth and save the installer for a future use. Google Earth Pro 6.0 est la derni. The installer is trying to install the 'sRGB.
  2. Google Earth Pro merupakan pengembangan aplikasi serupa dari Google Earth. Aplikasi ini bisa dibilang software canggih yang bisa menangkap gambar bumi sedetail mungkin secara 3D via satelit. Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa melihat dan menggunakan beragam konten, termasuk peta dan data medan, citra, cantuman bisnis, lalu lintas, ulasan.

Most amazing of all, Google made this tool available for free. This despite an educational -- and, let's be honest, entertainment -- value that's virtually impossible to measure.

What you maybe didn't know is that Google has long offered a Pro version of Earth as well, one that cost a hefty $399 per year. Now, however, you can get Google Earth Pro absolutely free.

First things first: The words 'free trial' still appear in that URL, but as you'll see when you click through to the sign-up page, 'Sign up is no longer required for Google Earth Pro.' All you have to do is download the installer, run it, then sign in using your e-mail address (as your username) and license code GEPFREE.

Second things second: Do you really need this? Probably not, as Pro was created with business/enterprise users in mind -- but it does afford some pretty cool extras not found in the free version, including:

  • Advanced measurements: Measure parking lots and land developments with polygon area measure, or determine affected radius with circle measure.
  • High-resolution printing: Print images up to 4,800 x 3,200 pixel resolution.
  • Exclusive pro data layers: Demographics, parcels, and traffic count.
  • Spreadsheet import: Ingest up to 2,500 addresses at a time, assigning place marks and style templates in bulk.
  • Movie-Maker: Export Windows Media and QuickTime HD movies, up to 1,920x1,080-pixel resolution.

So, yeah, you could print ultra-high-resolution images of, say, your neighborhood. (The free version tops out at 1,000 pixels.) Or add high-def fly-over videos to your movies. Pretty sweet stuff.

And don't overlook the huge thrill of scoring a $400 product for free. That's always fun.

Bonus deal: Calling all iPhone 6-owning shutterbugs! Ztylus makes a really cool case/camera-lens combo, but it normally costs $100. For a limited time, StackSocial has the Ztylus iPhone 6 Case and RV-2 Smart Flip Lens Kit for $46 shipped, by far the lowest price I've seen anywhere. (Also available: the iPhone 6 Plus version for $69.)

Update:According to a very apologetic StackSocial rep, the iPhone 6 version of the case was also supposed to be priced at $69; the initial $46 listing was in error. Both versions of the case cost $69, still a decent savings compared with the $99.99 list price.

I'm loving the design of this: It's a full-time kickstand case, but then you swap in the rotating lens kit (when needed) for four lens options: fish-eye, macro, wide-angle, and circular polarizer filter.

Learning has never been so easy!

This is to show you how to do a silent install of the latest version of Google Earth.

5 Steps total

Step 1: Download Google Earth 7.0

Go to and download the latest version (7.0 is the default download but still in beta). Save it to your computer.

Step 2: Run the installer

Double-click the installer. As it runs, open a Windows Explorer window and type %temp% in for the path.

Step 3: Grab the installer files

Look for the most recently-created folder in %temp% and copy it somewhere for safekeeping.

Step 4: Make your admin installation

Open a command prompt and browse to where you copied the files from %temp%. Use the following command line:

msiexec 'Google Earth.msi /a'

(Be sure to include the quotes as the installer has a space in the name).

Follow the installer and when it asks for a path to install the administrative installation to, browse to a folder on the network that is globally accessible.

Ragnarok Installer

Step 5: Use the administrative installation point to deploy

Now you can use your favorite deployment method - SCCM 2012, Group Policy, etc.

Run the command from the administrative installation point on the network like so:

msiexec /i 'Google Earth.msi' /q

Google Earth Pro Installer Error 1618 Google Chrome

(Remember the quotes again) This does a normal install and puts links on the desktop. Enjoy!

Published: Dec 13, 2012 · Last Updated: Jul 31, 2014


  • Chipotle
    MJReno Feb 16, 2013 at 06:19pm

    Saves using 7zip if you don't have it. ^__^

    Thanks for sharing

  • Sonora
    Craig2228 May 23, 2013 at 01:37pm

    In step four, I had to use the command: msiexec /a 'Google Earth.msi' for the command to work correctly; otherwise I got a 'The directory name is invalid' error.

  • Jalapeno
    MattMarsman Jul 10, 2013 at 02:34pm

    Great writeup. on step 4 I think you meant: 'Google Earth.msi' /a

  • Pimiento
    TreXeh Aug 6, 2013 at 03:44pm

    Hi i've followed the steps and ended up with a Google earth install on the network share, However there are no MSI's so how would i use Group Policy to install it ?

  • Jalapeno
    King of toast Sep 4, 2013 at 01:56pm

    I used the msiexec /a 'Google Earth.msi' command as Craig suggested. I get an msi and a couple of folders. I yet to try and deploy it but I think this would be the way to do it.

  • Thai Pepper
    Jason1121 May 2, 2014 at 01:40pm

    Awesome! Using the modified command that craig suggested works perfect!


  • Sonora
    donquixote Jul 31, 2014 at 04:27pm

    Thanks guys - that was a stupid oversight. I've corrected it. Much appreciated.

  • Sonora
    Paul (Apporto) Aug 27, 2014 at 07:28am

    Hi. When I perform the msiexec /a 'google earth.msi' I get 'Error 1305. Error reading from file google earth.msi. Verify the file exists and that you can access it'
    It doesn't matter whether my path contains spaces or not. Any ideas?

  • Pimiento
    larryshewell-woodbury Sep 3, 2014 at 07:04pm

    Hi Paul,

    I am thinking that you need to have the file name case sensative. My *.msi , 'Google Earth.msi' instead of 'google earth.msi'

  • Pimiento
    demitrisdemetriou Feb 24, 2015 at 09:29am

    great! I used msiexec /i 'Google Earth pro.msi' /q worked a treat many thanks people

  • Poblano
    rich.martinez Aug 25, 2015 at 02:55pm

    I tried this with version 7.1 and do not have a google earth.msi file I only have a googleupdatehelper.msi file so this did not work. Any suggestions?

  • Pimiento
    TweaQr Oct 19, 2015 at 02:19pm

    For v7.1 goto 'C:WindowsInstaller' and copy the last MSI file created to another directory. This should be the Google Earth installer. To verify that it is, Right click on the file you just copied and select properties, Click on the Details tab and in the subject field it should say Google Earth.

  • Tabasco
    BlueComp2 Dec 14, 2015 at 05:07pm

    Have some goddam spice TweaQr, thanks. Good stuff , much obliged.

  • Pimiento
    michaelsager Jan 5, 2016 at 09:10pm

    Google installs too fast to grab it from temp directory - like TweaQr stated use the installer folder - not sure which msi..
    From CMD copy statement below..

    wmic product get Description,IdentifyingNumber,InstallDate,InstallLocation,InstallState,Name,PackageCache,SKUNumber,Vendor,Version >myprograms.txt

    open myprograms and look for Google Earth (or wahtever program you are working on..
    Google Earth {817750FA-EC6A-485D-9901-0683AE6FFDF1} 20160105 5 Google Earth C:windowsInstaller6cce1cf.msi Google

    all your MSI are in there - i even use psexec on remote systems for this and get installed programs when trying to debug a deployment.

    you can shorten it - but this is all available fields for wmic and I am lazy to decide what i need so I get everything

    wmic product get Description,IdentifyingNumber,InstallDate,PackageCache,Version >myprograms.txt

    results to:
    Google Earth {817750FA-EC6A-485D-9901-0683AE6FFDF1} 20160105 C:windowsInstaller6cce368.msi

    Web to date 8. How can the answer be improved?

  • Tabasco
    Christian5842 Jan 18, 2018 at 06:54pm


    I know this thread is old, there is no need to extract the MSI, i found a website where you can use the EXE with this command ex;

    'Google.exe' OMAHA=1

    You need the quotes, i dont know why it works, the link did not explain but it works in my MDT, and it drops the shortcut on the desktop where the MSI does not.

Google Earth Pro Installer

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